Create and manage indexes in the Moonshine console
Creating an Index
To create an index, navigate to the Indexes page and click the New Index button at the top right of the screen. Add a name for your new index and an auth key.
After clicking Create Index, you will be taken to the index page:
Uploading to an Index
To upload videos to the index, click the Add Videos button or drag videos into the right hand side. Videos will upload, will be indexed, and then will be ready to be viewed and searched. Once a video has uploaded your index will look like:
Remote Uploads
Files can also be uploaded from remote sources. To do this, select Remote Uploads in the video manager, where you can enter links to publically accessible files on AWS, GCP, or Azure.
Supported Filetypes
Supported filetypes are listed here.
Embeddings Viewer
You can view all the videos in an index in an embedding space. To get started, click on the embeddings tab at the top of your page.
The viewer will take a few seconds to load and you will see something like this:
Note, if you haven’t uploaded any videos into an index, there won’t be any points to interact with. You can click and drag to rotate the view, scoll to zoom in and out, and shift + click to pan.
Hovering over a point will show you it’s video name, timestamp, and thumbnail preview:
By clicking on a point, a control panel will pop up allowing you watch the video from the selected timestamp and settings to highlight all the other points in the viewer. By default, all other points from the same video will be highligted in green underneath the Single color setting.
By switching to Time-based coloring the points of the video are colored based on their point in time. Points from earlier in the video are colored red and points later in the video are colored violet (rainbow pattern).
By switching to Nearest neighbors points we can see the points closest to the selected point and colored based on their distance to the selected point. You can set the number of points you want to be highlighted.
By default, points in the same video are highlighted. By checking the box at the bottom of the control panel, points from any video will be highlighted based on distance to the selected point.